Port Rhénan de Colmar Neuf-Brisach can handle any type of product, thanks to its powerful tools and fully qualified personnel.
Whether train, boat, or truck, however the goods arrive and depart, our teams can load and unload your goods safely and securely.
Port Rhénan Colmar Neuf-Brisach can offer storage space both outdoors and in our warehouses. Our port site is wholly secured and monitored.
Port Rhénan Colmar Neuf-Brisach is directly connected to the national rail network via the railyard in Volgelsheim. From this yard (featuring 3 x 700 m railway lines), the port team hauls trains onto their own lines up to Marckolsheim, via the factories at Volgelsheim, Biesheim and Kunheim.
Over the years, Port Rhénan Colmar Neuf-Brisach has cemented its reputation as a leading heavy cargo terminal in the Grand Est region.
Located on the banks of the Rhine, halfway between the cities of Colmar and Mulhouse, the ECORHENA industrial and port zone offers 80 hectares of real estate, including zones right on the river’s edge.

Port Rhénan Colmar Neuf‑Brisach
Trimodal terminal at the crossroads of Europe
In the heart of Alsace, Port Rhénan de Colmar Neuf-Brisach offers a range of port and logistics services.
Port Rhénan Colmar Neuf-Brisach is here for you, helping you optimise your logistics chain and improve your flexibility and security.
Whether by road, rail, or river, you can receive and despatch goods the world over.

Happy New Year 2024



River dating November 30 – December 01 2022

Discharging Wind Turbines

The Rhine Port of Colmar Neuf-Brisach reviews one year of operation

Meet us at the SITL Fair April 05-08 2022

Heavy lift in Colmar